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Can you pls tell how you made the obstacles move back and forth in the 3rd level?

183 deaths... ouchy 

ouch lol

Look like someone was inspired by brackeys.The game itself was great but you could make it better!!Maybe try changing the cube to a car and the platform to a road.They are alot of change you can do other than making more level.😁😁


Thanks for the feedback! I didn’t bother making it look good because this was my first game, and basically just an improvement on Brackeys tutorial series.  But for my next game I’m trying to add some animations (it’s a 2d platformer) and overall just make it look decent. Thanks!


Lol at least u beat it

(3 edits) (+1)

hey! great game for a first game. i wish my first game looked like that. great gameplay and nice soundeffects and music but there are 4 main problems i encoutered and how to fix them. was wayyy too easy to fall off of the map

fix : add colliders on the sides of the level so falling won't happen.

2.there is no stop menu and so whenever you want to take a break your deaths will be at 100.

fix : create a pause menu... while i know it sounds like a lot of work and kind of hard, trust me its not and when you get the hang of it you can do it in other games as well. (heres a brackeys tutorial if you want it

3.the difficulty ramps up crazy quick

fix : have a few more levels and make them one slightly harder then the other and so the difficulty will be 0, 20, 30, 50, 60, 70, 100

instead of 0, 100

4.the ui

fix : install some textures that you think fit the game import them and use them as the button and raw image sprites.

hope i cleared some things up! happy developing

Thank you this is exactly the type of feedback I was looking for. This was mainly just a kinda learn how to use unity thing with Brackeys beginner tutorials, and I published it for this exact type of feedback. the difficulty was so that the game took over 5 mins, and cuz I didnt feel like adding more levels on a game like this. But all the feedback will be taken into consideration on my game (a 2d platformer) and as for the pause menu I couldnt find a good tutorial so thanks so much for that. Thank you so much!

hey! glad i helped you, i just saw it was your first game so i decided to throw some tips on your way,

happy developing

thanks dude

(1 edit)

btw if you are working on a 2d platformer heres a jonas tyroller video which explains how to make a better movement script :I

Thanks for that too! I will look at it

ok I decided to use the first two tips. Thanks a lot my game would’ve been so much worse!

again, so glad i could have helped! i really hope you take off because i can see you are very talented.

happy development


lit game dude

Thank you!

Looks like somebody watches Brackeys

yup. I pretty much improved on his tutorial game, but I feel I improved on it enough where I could post it without stealing his work. I did put a link to his channel in the game desc so yea

This would make for a very good rage game! The controls feel pretty good so good work on that. The difficulty curve goes up a bit too much a bit too quick but other than that a solid game. Side note, a track of music playing rather than one single clip would make for a better experience

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback. I have nerfed level 3 because of this comment. It seems a lot easier as the developer when you play test every obstacle individually lol. And as for the music piece, this game is not the best so I just threw together this clip (and I think the clip sounds awesome BTW) because it is not necessary for a 3 level game. And just curious, did you actually beat the game? No one I know has before the nerf.

I didn't lol


Well its nerfed now so u should be able to beat it

Just beaten it! Originally I did have 30+ deaths but it felt so rewarding to finish it. It never felt unfair anymore when I died, it felt like a tackle of dexterity and memory, remembering where to go and when and actually doing it. Good work! You can see me playing it here:

(4 edits)

Thank you! I had a lot of fun making this game and I’m glad you enjoyed it! I plan to make many more games very soon and I hope you’ll play those as well. You actually took a different route than me on the 3rd level which I thought was cool.

Also u forgot to put a link in the description just saying